Game 2 vs Ming Chinese

On the second round I faced another good player, Marco Cioffi, using Ming Chinese. The matchup was good for me, because my IBwO could found some target and enemy Ag of 3 should grant me to defend


I defended and had a good battlefield. I flank marched on the left the small psiloi corps, concealed C2 in the central wooded hill and ambushed some IBwO on the left.


On round 1 I made a big mistake, not pressing forward enough to box the mobile Ming, and so letting the chinese infantry corps to manouver to the left. Also Marco made a mistake, moving the RCvS away from the artillery, so letting me to attack it without a reserve that could protect it. I was forced to wheel CiC corps to the left to counter the outflanking, opening a gap between the two phalanxs. My bad.



In the meantime my right wing advanced quickly to engage by shooting enemy mounted troops. There I caused some casualties and forced the Ming to move back, weaking the chinese center


Ming attacked my left corps to fix it and exploit the gap in the center. I reacted as I could, and soon the Chinese realized they had a problem: with three corps at 20 or 21ME, they were suffering too many losses, expecially having Art and CvO that were brittle.


Ming attacked hard and the fighting was quite bloody. Mapuche lost many elements, but almost all at 1/2 ME value. When the CvO corps broke, Ming army collapsed by ME loss transmission. 25-0.

The game was much more balanced that the score would suggest. A small army with 6 Art elements risk a lot if they are not properly protected, and this was what happened in this game.


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